This beautiful bracelet is one of my favorites! It has a Monarch butterfly centerpiece that is bound with love and care. It is made of soft leather and it can be worn all day long!
Butterfly is a symbol of transformation and in many cultures it is associated with the soul. According to Greek mythology, Psyche (which means "soul") is represented in the form of a butterfly and is forever connected with Eros and their unconditional love.
The sample bracelet is made of BROWN leather and a RASPBERRY cord. You can choose between brown or black leather and a large variety of cord colors. For an optimum fit be sure to check our .
Charm's Measurements: 1.5cm (0.60 inches) x 1.1cm (0.43 inches) approximately
❖ Soft Leather (100% Greek Leather)
❖ Silver-Plated Pewter Charm (Made In USA)
Optional: Your bracelet can be further personalized with the engraved "secret message" of your choice.